EUt+ Conference: Europe as guest in Darmstadt from November 21-25

Darmstadt - The "European University of Technology" (EUt+) is facing decisive weeks: In the coming year, the EU Commission will decide which associations it will continue to fund within the framework of the "European Universities Initiative". Two years after the start of the initiative, EUt+ is therefore taking stock and working at full speed on the application for the second funding phase, which is due in January. From November 21-25, the eight partner universities want to take new steps toward joint degrees, among other things. Around 100 participants are expected at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) for the working meetings, workshops and panels.  

In summer 2023, the decision is to be made as to which initiatives will continue to be funded by the EU within the framework of the "European Universities Initiative". Reason enough for EUt+ to take stock: Numerous projects of the initiative have already been implemented. Within a very short time, five research centers have been established at the European level - a first in the European university landscape. In addition, several joint degrees are in concrete preparation, and EUt+ has achieved, through strong branding and external communication, that the initiative is well known to stakeholders around the universities and beyond. In addition to numerous joint projects in research and teaching, there have been successes such as the new collaborations with top institutions such as FAIR/GSI and the European Space Agency ESA.

In Darmstadt, the newly founded Education Committee, which is composed of the respective vice presidents of the partners, will, among other things, focus on the planned joint degree programs. The Steering Committee will work at full speed on the application for the next funding phase. In addition, the participants will discuss the next steps towards a joint sustainability office. Its establishment is a declared goal of the eight partner universities. A visit to a Christmas food truck on Wednesday will round off the working week.

More information about EUt+ can be found here.


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10:00–12:00 Uhr

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12:00–14:00 Uhr

Präsenz-Sprechstunde Dieburg: Max-Planck-Str.2, Geb. F01, 1.OG, Rm. 1.108

*während der Vorlesungszeit


13:00–15:00 Uhr

Termine für Studierende

EUt+ Conference: Europe as guest in Darmstadt from November 21-25

Darmstadt - The "European University of Technology" (EUt+) is facing decisive weeks: In the coming year, the EU Commission will decide which associations it will continue to fund within the framework of the "European Universities Initiative". Two years after the start of the initiative, EUt+ is therefore taking stock and working at full speed on the application for the second funding phase, which is due in January. From November 21-25, the eight partner universities want to take new steps toward joint degrees, among other things. Around 100 participants are expected at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) for the working meetings, workshops and panels.  

In summer 2023, the decision is to be made as to which initiatives will continue to be funded by the EU within the framework of the "European Universities Initiative". Reason enough for EUt+ to take stock: Numerous projects of the initiative have already been implemented. Within a very short time, five research centers have been established at the European level - a first in the European university landscape. In addition, several joint degrees are in concrete preparation, and EUt+ has achieved, through strong branding and external communication, that the initiative is well known to stakeholders around the universities and beyond. In addition to numerous joint projects in research and teaching, there have been successes such as the new collaborations with top institutions such as FAIR/GSI and the European Space Agency ESA.

In Darmstadt, the newly founded Education Committee, which is composed of the respective vice presidents of the partners, will, among other things, focus on the planned joint degree programs. The Steering Committee will work at full speed on the application for the next funding phase. In addition, the participants will discuss the next steps towards a joint sustainability office. Its establishment is a declared goal of the eight partner universities. A visit to a Christmas food truck on Wednesday will round off the working week.

More information about EUt+ can be found here.
