EUt+ sets course for the future of the initiative in Darmstadt

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) and its partners of the "European University of Technology", EUt+ for short, look back on a productive EUt+ conference at the h_da central campus in Darmstadt. From 21-25 November, more than 100 participants from the eight universities set the course for the future of the initiative. 

h_da President Prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz takes stock of the meetings: "A productive EUt+ week is behind us, during which the course was set for the call of the next funding phase. I am once again deeply impressed by the passion and dynamism of all those involved in EUt+, and especially those who were present during the week at h_da, in pursuing our common goal of building a common European university. We are on the right track and feel encouraged to move forward with our ambitious vision."

Another focus of the joint work was on the topic of teaching and studies. For this purpose, the Education Committee, which is made up of the heads of department for teaching and learning of the respective EUt+ partners, met for the first time in Darmstadt to discuss guidelines for the development of European study programmes. In Darmstadt, experts from the respective disciplines also pushed ahead with the planned European degree programmes in Environmental Engineering (Master's) and Sustainability Science (Bachelor's).

The universities themselves also want to become more sustainable: in Darmstadt, the experts involved in the sustainability offices of the eight partners have therefore networked - including the recently founded Green Office of the h_da. The declared goal is a Green Office at EUt+ level as a central contact point for all questions concerning sustainability. 

There was also a professional exchange in the media science disciplines: a delegation from the Cyprus University of Technology took advantage of the conference to visit the h_da media campus in Dieburg. TUDublin is also involved in this professional dialogue.

The future of education against the backdrop of central challenges such as climate change was the topic of the meeting of the "AesTheTiCo" project. The experts are expanding the notion of aesthetics within tradition engineering and product design curricula to include understandings from contemporary theories of aesthetics. The transdisciplinary approach combines aesthetic and ethical principles.  

Please find more information about EUt+ here.

Photo: h_da/Nico Damm


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EUt+ sets course for the future of the initiative in Darmstadt

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) and its partners of the "European University of Technology", EUt+ for short, look back on a productive EUt+ conference at the h_da central campus in Darmstadt. From 21-25 November, more than 100 participants from the eight universities set the course for the future of the initiative. 

h_da President Prof. Dr. Arnd Steinmetz takes stock of the meetings: "A productive EUt+ week is behind us, during which the course was set for the call of the next funding phase. I am once again deeply impressed by the passion and dynamism of all those involved in EUt+, and especially those who were present during the week at h_da, in pursuing our common goal of building a common European university. We are on the right track and feel encouraged to move forward with our ambitious vision."

Another focus of the joint work was on the topic of teaching and studies. For this purpose, the Education Committee, which is made up of the heads of department for teaching and learning of the respective EUt+ partners, met for the first time in Darmstadt to discuss guidelines for the development of European study programmes. In Darmstadt, experts from the respective disciplines also pushed ahead with the planned European degree programmes in Environmental Engineering (Master's) and Sustainability Science (Bachelor's).

The universities themselves also want to become more sustainable: in Darmstadt, the experts involved in the sustainability offices of the eight partners have therefore networked - including the recently founded Green Office of the h_da. The declared goal is a Green Office at EUt+ level as a central contact point for all questions concerning sustainability. 

There was also a professional exchange in the media science disciplines: a delegation from the Cyprus University of Technology took advantage of the conference to visit the h_da media campus in Dieburg. TUDublin is also involved in this professional dialogue.

The future of education against the backdrop of central challenges such as climate change was the topic of the meeting of the "AesTheTiCo" project. The experts are expanding the notion of aesthetics within tradition engineering and product design curricula to include understandings from contemporary theories of aesthetics. The transdisciplinary approach combines aesthetic and ethical principles.  

Please find more information about EUt+ here.

Photo: h_da/Nico Damm
