A week reviewing the building bricks of the European University of Technology, EUt+ , step by step

Delegates from across Europe travelled to  Dublin for the European University of Technology (EUt+) General Task Review workshops taking place in TU Dublin this week. Over 100 attendees from the eight EUt+ partner Universities have gathered under the banner of EUt+ on TU Dublin's campus to share their progress so far and to discuss EUT+ priorities for the future.


Presentations from Task Managers from across the Eight Working Packages permitted each one of them to share the main achievements and some obstacles encountered which of course included Covid.

The objective of promoting and supporting multiculturalism and multilinguism has been enhanced as a very important challenge that will essentially rely on long term mobilities and capacity of students to learn a second foreign language.

The ambition to create fruitfull links and strong relationships with society, industry networks have been reviewed and encouraged. Clusters, meaning common programs, have just been launched and opened to students who are invited to spend at least one semester within EUt+. These programmes are offering automatic recognition of credits, a feeling of belonging to a wider family and a warm welcome  that make each of them feel at home on all campuses.

This has been made possible by a careful analysis of the skills and learning outcomes provided by the courses in each partner university.

The European Laboratory For Pedagogical Action - Research And Student-Centred Learning (ELaRA)  has been meeting and discussing with  teaching staff and researchers every month to nourish the future.

Research Schools Programs together with European Research Institutes are actively under construction on Nanotechnology, Data Science, Sustainability and as a central element of the sipirit of EUt+, the European Culture and Technology Lab (ECT Lab). Its mission is to promote trans/multi-disciplinarity within the European University, to integrate  humanities and social sciences into theresearch projects of the European University and create a critical mass of research in the arts, humanities and social sciences within the EuropeanUniversity of Technology.

Through the EUt+ initiative, the staff mobility is strongly encouraged and starting to accelerate. An IT convergence plan will help to share business processes, gain in efficency and will lead to a  european student card. The EUt+ brand and identity has been recognized as an effective ‘creative commons’, a strong  banner recognized by stakeholders.

The Dublin week also marked the beginning of the EUt+ Academic press, which will be publishing and disseminating high-quality scholarly works using an Open Access platform.

The group is taking dissimination of its experience very seriously to share methodology with other European universities under construction.

Led by experienced staff, the members involved in fundraising for the alliance are exchanging and mutualizing practices to contribute to the overall goal.

Interested in learning more about the EUt+, visit our website here.

Participants of the conference on the TU Dublin campus. Photo: TU Dublin


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Beratung durch Studierende
Beratung durch Lehrende


Unser Angebot umfasst Workshops, Informationsveranstaltungen, Besuche von Schulklassen, Schultermine & Bildungsmessen.




10:00–12:00 Uhr

Präsenz-Sprechstunde Darmstadt: Schöfferstr. 3, Geb. C23, Rm. 01.04


12:00–14:00 Uhr

Präsenz-Sprechstunde Dieburg: Max-Planck-Str.2, Geb. F01, 1.OG, Rm. 1.108

*während der Vorlesungszeit


13:00–15:00 Uhr

Termine für Studierende

A week reviewing the building bricks of the European University of Technology, EUt+ , step by step

Delegates from across Europe travelled to  Dublin for the European University of Technology (EUt+) General Task Review workshops taking place in TU Dublin this week. Over 100 attendees from the eight EUt+ partner Universities have gathered under the banner of EUt+ on TU Dublin's campus to share their progress so far and to discuss EUT+ priorities for the future.


Presentations from Task Managers from across the Eight Working Packages permitted each one of them to share the main achievements and some obstacles encountered which of course included Covid.

The objective of promoting and supporting multiculturalism and multilinguism has been enhanced as a very important challenge that will essentially rely on long term mobilities and capacity of students to learn a second foreign language.

The ambition to create fruitfull links and strong relationships with society, industry networks have been reviewed and encouraged. Clusters, meaning common programs, have just been launched and opened to students who are invited to spend at least one semester within EUt+. These programmes are offering automatic recognition of credits, a feeling of belonging to a wider family and a warm welcome  that make each of them feel at home on all campuses.

This has been made possible by a careful analysis of the skills and learning outcomes provided by the courses in each partner university.

The European Laboratory For Pedagogical Action - Research And Student-Centred Learning (ELaRA)  has been meeting and discussing with  teaching staff and researchers every month to nourish the future.

Research Schools Programs together with European Research Institutes are actively under construction on Nanotechnology, Data Science, Sustainability and as a central element of the sipirit of EUt+, the European Culture and Technology Lab (ECT Lab). Its mission is to promote trans/multi-disciplinarity within the European University, to integrate  humanities and social sciences into theresearch projects of the European University and create a critical mass of research in the arts, humanities and social sciences within the EuropeanUniversity of Technology.

Through the EUt+ initiative, the staff mobility is strongly encouraged and starting to accelerate. An IT convergence plan will help to share business processes, gain in efficency and will lead to a  european student card. The EUt+ brand and identity has been recognized as an effective ‘creative commons’, a strong  banner recognized by stakeholders.

The Dublin week also marked the beginning of the EUt+ Academic press, which will be publishing and disseminating high-quality scholarly works using an Open Access platform.

The group is taking dissimination of its experience very seriously to share methodology with other European universities under construction.

Led by experienced staff, the members involved in fundraising for the alliance are exchanging and mutualizing practices to contribute to the overall goal.

Interested in learning more about the EUt+, visit our website here.

Participants of the conference on the TU Dublin campus. Photo: TU Dublin
