Info-Veranstaltung zu Orientierungssemestern der h_da

Information event on orientation semesters

What is an orientation semester and who is it suitable for?

How does an orientation semester work? Which degree programmes and training courses can you get to know? And what can you do with them afterwards?

We will be happy to answer these and other questions in person.

Our next information event (online):

Date: Monday, 03 June 2024

Time: 18:30 - 20:00

Link to the video conference: The link to the event room will be available here on the day of the event.

Want to find out more beforehand?

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences has four different orientation semesters in the following areas:

  • Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology(hejmint, Hessen-Technikum)
  • Social professions(DasDoris!)
  • Design(Start |)

You can find details on the duration, procedure and application requirements for the individual programmes on the programme pages or at

Dates: Meet us live!

15.07.24 | Virtual info evening at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

16.09.24 | Lecture fair Bertolt-Brecht-Schule (Darmstadt)

21.09.24 | Stuzubi Frankfurt

02.10.24 | Dual in Darmstadt - information evening on dual study programmes

05.11.24 | h_da Campus Day

06.11.24 | OSBIT 2024 in Michelstadt

12.11.24 | Vocatium Videochat
13.11.24 | Vocatium Videochat

30.11.24 | Horizon Mainz

21.01.25 | hobit talks

25.03.25 | Training and study information day Bergstraße

20.05.25 | hobit contact

Contact us

Questions about an orientation semester?
The coordinators of the individual programmes will be happy to answer your questions. Simply call or write to them.


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