Residence permit

Please note: The information on this website is not legally binding.

All foreign students who do not come from the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland and who wish to study in Germany for longer than 90 days require a residence permit. This must be applied for at the relevant foreigners authority after entry and before the expiry of the visa or within 90 days if you are travelling without a visa (§ 16b Aufenthaltsgesetz (in German)).

Important: Processing time and application

The processing time at various foreigners registration offices is currently very long. It is therefore possible that you will not receive an appointment to apply for your residence permit before your visa or residence permit expires. In this case, you must submit a written application before your visa/residence permit expires, e.g. via e-mail (for Darmstadt to

It is essential to save this e-mail and the automatic reply from the foreigners' registration office as proof of your timely application (§ 81 AufenthG).

It is not enough to inform the h_da that your residence permit expires, you must contact the Foreigners' Registration Office yourself. It is best to apply for a residence permit three months before your current residence permit expires.

Do not book any trips outside of Germany if your residence status is unclear! Please note that you may generally not leave Germany for longer than six months at a time. A residence permit becomes invalid six months after leaving Germany.

Which foreigners authority is responsible for me?

The foreigners authority responsible for you depends on your registered place of residence. If you move your residence to another city, the responsible foreigners authority will also change.


Immigration authorities in the Darmstadt area:

City of Darmstadt (in German)
Darmstadt-Dieburg County (in German)
Offenbach County (Translation available)
City of Offenbach
City of Frankfurt (in German)
Groß-Gerau County (in German)


Apply for a residence permit

The residence permit for the purpose of study is issued for a maximum of 2 years and can be extended afterwards, with a maximum duration of stay of 10 years.

The application must be submitted before the expiry of the visa or the existing residence permit. In this case, the previous residence permit is considered valid from the time of its expiration until the decision of the Foreigners Authority (§81, 4 AufhG). You can usually find the application form on the website of your competent foreigners authority.

Foreigners Office of Darmstadt

You can find the application for issuance/extension of a residence permit at the Foreigners' Registration Office of Darmstadt on the website (in German) by clicking "Formulare".

Important terms

Read through the document to find out what a fictitious certificate is and what a fictitious effect is.

Required documents

  • Valid passport including valid visa or previous residence permit and, if applicable, certificate of fictitiousness
  • Completed application for issuance or application for renewal of residence permit
  • 1 recent biometric photo
  • Certificate of enrollment (available on the university portal my.h-da)
  • Rental contract 
  • Proof of secure living expenses (for further information see below)
  • Health insurance certificate (for further information see below)
  • Confirmation from the educational institution (for further information see below)

To obtain a residence permit, you must prove that you can finance your living expenses during your studies. The proof of financing is regularly adjusted to the BaföG increases. Currently, the amount is 992 € per month, or 11.904 € for one year. A German bank account or blocked account with this amount, a declaration of commitment or a scholarship can usually be presented as proof. Please note that the proof of financing is always a case-by-case decision by the immigration authority and that you must provide proof of financing for each renewal of your residence permit.

  • If you have statutory health insurance: a current confirmation of insurance coverage from your health insurance company or your health insurance card.
  • If you have private health insurance: Insurance policy and proof of paid contributions (for example, bank statements).

For the extension of the residence permit:

In order to make a decision on the application for an extension of the residence permit, the Foreigners' Registration Office requests information from the university about your academic progress and the expected completion of your studies.

If you need such a confirmation from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, please send an e-mail to stating your matriculation number and the foreigners authority for which you need the document. Please apply for the confirmation in time, because we need some time for the clarification with your faculty!

You should also note the following:

  • The university must inform the Aliens' Registration Office whether your studies are being conducted properly. This is the case if you regularly attend courses and make progress in your studies. 
  • The average duration of studies (of all students of the respective study program) may not be exceeded by more than three semesters. Otherwise, the delay in studies must be justified. In individual cases, a discussion with the central study advisory service is therefore necessary.

Good to know

The Service Center for Fill-In Assistance and Language Mediation assists you in filling out your forms and applications and accompanies you to your case processing if necessary. Several languages are offered. 