Symbolbild Forschung

Open Research

Open Research

Open Research stands for the idea of making the scientific process open and transparent. Research results should be communicated openly and made comprehensible and reusable. Open Research bundles strategies and procedures that aim to make consistent use of the opportunities offered by digitalisation in such a way that all components of the scientific process are shared openly via the Internet. This opens up new possibilities for dealing with scientific findings. The transfer within the scientific community on the one hand and to society, business and politics on the other will be improved and accelerated.

The aim is also to improve the quality of research and to utilise research funding more efficiently. Open Research is therefore also an important building block for ensuring good scientific practice. Good research promotes a culture of transparency and strives to maximise its benefits for society. Open Research is already a component of many funding programmes and declarations.

The EUT+ Open Research Statement is of particular importance to us at h_da. It is an integral part of our shared vision as nine European partner universities in the "European University of Technology (EUT+)" alliance.


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