Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering)
Semester | 6 Semester |
Darmstadt | |
Winter semester/summer semester | |
GER | |
Without admission restriction. | |
yes |
Mechanical engineering is a basic course of study for many technical applications.
Vehicles, aircraft, machine tools, power generators of wind turbines, medical systems or painting robots in the automotive industry - all developments by mechanical engineers.
In six semesters, the bachelor's programme in general mechanical engineering provides a broad basic knowledge of engineering science that allows students to work in all areas of mechanical engineering.
- Students learn to develop components with modern CAE programs, to design them functionally and to combine them into assemblies.
- They also learn to develop procedures in the entire manufacturing process and to include the economic costs of their work.
- Language skills and team qualifications are also taught.
More detailed information on the course of studies can be found on the website of the Faculty of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering.
Mechanical engineers work in areas such as product development and design, production, assembly, sales and management.
Industries (selection):
- Mechanical engineering, plant engineering, vehicle construction
- Materials engineering, environmental technology
- Aerospace technology
- Management consultancies
- Medical technology, power engineering
Based on the Bachelor degree, the following Master programmes are possible:
Mechanical Engineering - Master of Engineering
Automotive Engineering - Master of Engineering
Plastics Engineering - Master of Engineering (Bridging courses required!)
Industrial Engineering - Master of Science (Bridging courses required!)
Qualifications and competences for this field of practice are conveyed in the courses, internships, project work and practical phases. The bachelor's degree qualifies students for a profession, but also enables them to transfer to master's degree programmes (see diagram). You can find a detailed presentation of the course contents in the module manual (German).
Mechanical Engeneering (B.Eng.) can also be studied cooperatively (German). In this dual form of study, students alternate between courses at the university, practical phases and work in the company. You can find more information at h-da.de/dual (German).
The degree programme Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.) is not admission restricted (no NC). Proof of a basic internship is required. Completion before the start of the degree programme is not mandatory, but recommended. Detailed information is available at www.fbmk.h-da.de. Admission requirements include these school-leaving certificates:
- General matriculation standard (allgemeine Hochschulreife)
- Subject-related entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife)
- Advanced entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)
A detailed description of the admission requirements can be found in the Special Provisions of the Examination Regulations (German).