Your Contact Persons
Your Contact Persons
Do you need our scientific expertise? Do you want us to accompany or advise you on a project? Do you have questions about a research project at EU, federal or state level? Are you a researcher at the h_da and need internal support? Below you will find all the central contact persons for your questions regarding research, development and transfer - from associations to ZIM projects.
Contact Persons for the Area of Research
What research interests, funding lines and programmes are there - and what are the current calls for proposals? Which funding is possible - and which application is necessary? Our research officers are at home in the field of research funding and guide researchers at the h_da as well as external partners to their goal.

Head of Research, Development, Transfer and Start-up Support
EUT+ Research Concept | BMWK Projects (ZIM Funding)
Dr Frank Möller
Phone: +49.6151.533-60593
E-mail: Frank Möller

Research Officer
BMBF Projects | HMWK Projects (LOEWE) | State Funding Projects | hessian.AI Projects | EUT+ Projects
Jessica Bagnoli
Phone: +49.6151.533-60427
E-mail: Jessica Bagnoli

Research Officer
BMBF Projects | ATHENE | EUT+ Research Office (ERO)
Dr Rainer Becker
Phone: +49.6151.533-60215
E-mail: Rainer Becker

Research Officer
EUT+ Research Office (ERO)
Dr Alexander Fürstenberg
Phone: +49.6151.533-60785
E-mail: Alexander Fürstenberg

Research Officer
EU Projects | EFRE Funding | BMWK Projects (except ZIM) | BMBF Fundings witch EU Relevance | Foundations | Other Funding Lines at Federal Level
Dr Ute Jochem
Phone: +49.6151.533-68081
E-mail: Ute Jochem

Officer Research to Transfer Interface
Concepts Research Applications with Knowledge and Technology Transfer | ATHENE
Hermann Köhler
Phone: +49.6151.533-60845
E-mail: Hermann Köhler

Research Officer
Private and Public Contract Research | Research-related Services | Foundations | Associations | Grants for Conference Attendance
Dr Martin Loder
Phone: +49.6151.533-60227
E-mail: Martin Loder

Research Officer
International Research Funding | DFG Projects | EU Projects
Frederike Nun
Phone: +49.6151.533-60787
E-mail: Frederike Nun

Project Coordinator EUT+ Research and Innovation
Project Management | EUT+ Entrepreneurship School | Interface SFT and Vice President for Research and Sustainable Development
Jacqueline Nyalwal
Phone: +49.6151.533-60856
E-mail: Jacqueline Nyalwal

Project Coordinator
Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
Marco Raguseo
Phone: +49.6151.533-60926
E-mail: Marco Raguseo

Research Officer
National Research Funding | ZIM Projects | BMBF Projects
Dr Christoph Weihrauch
Phone: +49.6151.533-60896
E-mail: Christoph Weihrauch
Are you unsure who is the right contact person for your request?
Send us an E-mail to forschung.sft@h-da.de.
Contact Persons for the Area of Transfer
Knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) is part of the essence and self-image of the h_da as a University of Applied Sciences. With their work in teaching, research and development, many employees in the departments make a significant contribution to this. Here you will find your central contact persons in matters of KTT. Are you unsure who you should contact? Send us an E-mail at transfer.sft@h-da.de.

Transfer Officer
Technology Transfer | Industry Liaisons | CoARA
Eva Gartmann
Phone: +49.6151.533-60828
E-mail: Eva Gartmann

Transfer Officer
Transfer and Third Mission | Conception | Events and Projects
Iris Rubinich
Phone: +49.6151.533-60958
E-mail: Iris Rubinich
Contact Persons for Start-up Support
The primary goal of start-up support at the h_da is to increase the number and quality of knowledge- and technology-based start-up projects. Our start-up advisors pay particular attention to integrating the start-ups emerging in the h_da environment into the regional start-up ecosystem from the very beginning.

Start-up Advisor | Project Officer "Startup Sustainable"
Dorothea Böhmer
Phone: +49.6151.533-68856
E-mail: Dorothea Böhmer

Project Coordinator "EXIST-Potentiale"
Start-up advice
Sascha Heising
Phone: +49.6151.533-60641
E-mail: Sascha Heising
Contact persons for cross-sectoral tasks
The colleagues named below primarily support the other departments. These cross-sectoral tasks currently include event management and public relations in particular.

Public Relations Research, Transfer and Entrepreneurship | Website and Social Media
Maria Camila Muñoz Arias
Phone: +49.6151-533-60853
E-Mail: Maria Camila Muñoz Arias

Public Relations Research, Transfer and Entrepreneurship | Editorial Websites
Daniel Timme
Phone: +49.6151.533-60133
E-mail: Daniel Timme

Event Manager
Events on Transfer, Third Mission and Start-up Support
Laureen Wentland
Phone: +49.6151.533-60357
E-mail: Laureen Wentland
Contact Persons at the Research Centres
In four research centres so far, professors and staff at the h_da are researching and developing topics in applied computer science, digital communication, materials and process technology, sustainable processes and procedures. If you have any questions or concerns, the managing directors will be happy to help you.

Managing Director
Research Centre for Applied Computer Science (fz ai)
Dr Lukas Kaupp
Phone: +49.6151.533-60141
E-mail: Lukas Kaupp

Managing Director
Research Centre Digital Communication and Media Innovation (fz dkmi)
Rita Vas-Deuschel
Phone: +49.6151.533-60182
E-mail: Rita Vas-Deuschel

Managing Director
Research Centre Materials and Process Technology (fz mpt)
Philipp Seeger
Phone: +49.6151.533-60177
E-mail: Philipp Seeger

Managing Director
Research Centre Sustainable Processes and Procedures (fz npv)
Dr Rainer Becker
Phone: +49.6151.533-60215
E-mail: Rainer Becker
Contact Persons for Open Research
In order to make research work, its methods and results openly accessible, reproducible and connectable, research data require special attention. The following contact persons support our researchers in professional research data management.

Research Data Officer
Advice and Training on RDM Applications and RDM Plans
Tim Bender
Phone: +49.6151.533-68490
E-mail: Tim Bender

Research Data Officer
Advice and Training on RDM Applications and RDM Plans
Stephanie Werner
Phone: +49.6151.533-69314
E-mail: Stephanie Werner

Contact Person on the Part of the Library
Open Access | Repository | Academic Press
Katharina Emig
Phone: +49.6151.533-60111
E-mail: Katharina Emig
Contact Persons for Doctorates
The support of young academics has a high priority at the h_da. The central point of contact for all questions concerning doctorates is our Graduate School. Doctoral students, those interested in doctoral studies and all those involved can obtain advice and support from the contact persons listed here. Alternatively, you are welcome to send us an E-mail to promotion.sft@h-da.de.

Management Graduate School
Doctorates at doctoral centers | Cooperative doctorates | Accompanying doctoral studies | Doctoral scholarships | Doctoral college | Mid-level faculty program
Dr Susanne Kühner
Phone: +49.6151.533-60728
E-mail: Susanne Kühner

Consultant at the Doctoral Centre Sustainability Sciences (PZNW)
Counselling of doctoral candidates of the PZNW | Management of the PZNW
Dr Alexander Berger
Phone: +49.6151.533-60886
E-mail: Alexander Berger

Vice President for Research, Transfer and Sustainable Development (VPFN)
Prof Dr Nicole Saenger
Phone: +49.6151.533-68178
E-mail: Nicole Saenger

Director of Service Centre Research and Transfer (SFT)
Dr Frank Möller
Phone: +49.6151.533-60593
E-mail: Frank Möller

Assistant to the Director of SFT
Benjamin Glässel
Phone: +49.6151.533-60179
E-mail: Benjamin Glässel