Before logging in for the first time, you need to activate your account:
Account management (German) (activate account, reset, check status, data maintenance)
Functions for students
Change contact details
- Address
- Telephone number
- private (non-student) e-mail address
Print certificates
- Certificate of enrolment
- Certificate of study progress
- Certificate according to §9 BAföG
- Semester fee receipt
Information on registered examinations
Performance overview
Change of degree programme
Other functions (availability varies by faculty)
- individual timetable
- Course allocation
- Course catalogue
- Exam registration and deregistration
- Curriculum (study plan)
If you are unsure whether a particular function in your degree programme can be accessed via my.h-da, please contact your faculty secretariat. You can find the link to your faculty's website under Hochschule.
*Contact via student e-mail account stating the matriculation number