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Applied science and art - what does that actually mean? Would you like to know more about what's going on at h_da? Are you interested in current research activities and their context or the motivation of the people behind them? Here you will find some opportunities for corresponding insights - be it browsing and reading, listening alone or listening together.

In impact, our online magazine for applied science and art, we continuously present current research and development projects and their makers. The university newspaper 'campus_d' (DE), which is available in print and as a flip page PDF, also offers a showcase. Would you rather have something to listen to? Then we recommend our Darmstadt podcast on the mobility revolution. In "If possible, please turn around" (DE), changing guests discuss the facets of this mega topic. And doors are also open to you on campus: for example, to the public lecture series "Challenge: Sustainable Development" (DE).

Our calendar of events offers further opportunities for insights. We hope you enjoy browsing and discovering!

We are there for you!

Are you looking for the shortest route to the right contact person in matters of research, development or transfer? Here you will find our employees with their responsibilities and contact details.