EUt+ Courses

EUt+ offered courses

Here are posted all courses offered to our h_da students from all EUt+ partner universities.


Introduction to Quantum Information (A22)

Deadline: 26th August 2022

University of Technology of Troyes ( offers the possibility of attending the QX01 online course - Introduction to quantum information and associated technologies – at no cost. The course is delivered by Prof. Christophe Couteau, from 5th Sptember 2022 to 14th January 2023.

If you want to enroll, please fill in the form:

UTT - Introduction to Quantum Information and Associated Technologies

Open to undergraduate students as well as graduate students with basics in mathematics, computer science, and physics.

h_da offered courses

Here are posted all courses offered by the h_da to all EUt+ students.



Research projects and theses in Biotechnology and Technical Chemistry at Hochschule Darmstadt

Applied Social Sciences Courses

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Social and Cultural Studies

Transformation Society

Social and Cultural Studies

Introduction to Technology Assessment

Social and Cultural Studies

Eco Design & Life Cycle Assesment

Institute for Desgin and Product Development (IKuP) - Prof. Dr. Alexander Landfester

Fracture Mechanics

Department of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Brita Pyttel

Failure Analysis

Department of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Brita Pyttel

Introduction to R programming for Data Analysis

Darmstadt Institute of Statistics & Operations Research