Natural Science and Mathematics

Natural sciences and mathematics make important contributions to almost all courses of study at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences - but they also give the university a specific profile with its own study programmes.

Mathematics is basically a science that examines self-created abstract structures for their properties and patterns and finds applications in all areas of human knowledge.

The natural sciences deal with inanimate and animate nature and attempt to describe and explain it. Physics, chemistry and biology have a lasting influence on the image of the natural sciences.

Applied Mathematics (B.Sc.) Bachelor 6 free yes GER
Applied Mathematics (M.Sc.) Master 4 * yes GER
Biotechnology Bachelor 7 free GER
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Master 3/4 * yes GER
Chemistry - dual Bachelor 6 free yes GER
Data Science Master 4 * yes GER
Industrial Chemistry Bachelor 7 free yes GER

Sem* ≘ Semester, Start* ≘ Start of studies, Form* ≘ Form of admission, Lang* ≘ Instruction language, Test ≘ Aptitude test Dual/Cooperative ≘ yes

Accompanying offer MatheFit

Pre-course to refresh school mathematics knowledge
Learning center for support during studieszur studienbegleitenden Unterstützung
Intensive day Intensive day for examination preparation