Energy Management (Bachelor of Science)

Semester 7 Semester
Winter semester
Without admission restriction.


Sustainable and safe, affordable and efficient, these are the criteria that energy systems must fulfil today. But how is the transition from unsustainable use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy to a sustainable energy supply using renewable energies possible? The Bachelor's degree programme in Energy Management first lays the foundations for this. The contents of the degree programme focus on the liberalisation and globalisation of the energy markets, renewable energies, decentralised energy systems, digitalisation and the regulatory challenges of the energy industry as well as the responsible use of energy resources. In addition to a broad basic knowledge of business administration, the degree programme provides in-depth knowledge of energy generation, grid operation, trading and the legal, technical and political framework conditions of the energy industry. For the Bachelor's programme, in addition to looking beyond the horizon by linking technical, economic and regulatory issues, we pick up on current trends in digitalisation. You can find more detailed information about the degree programme on the website of the Faculty of Economics.


The spectrum is very diverse and the list is by no means exhaustive. Examples are:

  • Energy supply companies and project developers
  • Public institutions (e.g. energy agencies)
  • Energy-intensive companies
  • Management consultancy
  • Research and development

Building on the Bachelor's degree, the following Master's programme is possible:
Energy Management - Master of Science.


Qualifications and competences for these fields of activity are taught in the Bachelor modules, for example in courses, projects or experimental work. A detailed description of the course content can be found in the module manual (German).

The Bachelor's degree qualifies students for a profession, but also enables them to transfer to the Master's programme in Energy Management. The Bachelor's programme in Energy Management is accredited by the AQAS agency. It has been awarded the seal of approval of the Accreditation Council. The course of studies in Energy Management (B.Sc.) is also dual studyable.

Dual study model

Energy Management (B.Sc.) can also be studied as a dual (German) degree programme. In the dual study programme, students alternate between courses at the university, practical phases and work in the company. You can find more information at (German).


The degree programme Energy Management (B.Sc.) is not admission restricted (no NC). The following qualifications, among others, apply as admission requirements:

  • General higher education entrance qualification
  • Subject-related higher education entrance qualification
  • University of Applied Sciences entrance qualification

A detailed description of the admission requirements can be found in the
 Special Provisions of the Examination Regulations (German).

Registration deadline (German certificate)



Faculty secretary's office
Ulrike Neuhaus



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