


Do you have an idea with start-up potential? Are you a company looking for contact with start-ups? We support students, graduates and employees in transferring their ideas into the economy and society and provide the right contact person for external enquiries. We advise on start-ups and self-employment, help to get start-up projects off the ground and give them a big push.

The h_da ist co-shareholder oft the Technology and Start-up Center Darmstadt HUB31 (DE) and a member of the HAWtech start-up working group (DE). In the form of Steinbeis Transfer GmbH, we also offer the option of founding a Steinbeis company.


The founding initiative of the h_da

We bundle our activities and offers in the area of start-ups and self-employment under the YUBIZZ label. Our aim is to promote knowledge- and technology-based start-ups and strengthen the regional start-up ecosystem.

To the website (DE)

Startup Sustainable

The International Career Service Rhein-Main is a joint project to promote equal access to the labour market and business start-ups for international students and students with a migrant background.

The h_da participates with the sub-project Startup Sustainable. Through entrepreneurship workshops and a podcast, international students and students with a history of migration are sensitised to entrepreneurship as a career option and their start-up activities are promoted.

The focus is on start-up ideas with an impact on the economic, ecological or social dimensions of the SDGs.

To the workshops

To the podcast Startup Takeoff - Your way to entrepreneurship in Germany

To the project International Career Service Rhein-Main


We are there for you!

Are you looking for the shortest route to the right contact person in matters of research, development or transfer? Here you will find our employees with their responsibilities and contact details.