Das Semesterticket ist ab den 1. April in digitaler Form bundesweit gültig.


No issuance of CampusCards subject to a fee

Due to the semester billing, no CampusCards that are subjet to a fee can be  issued until further notice, e.g. in the event of loss. 

The CampusCard is your student ID for the entire duration of your studies at h_da, it is not a substitute for an official photo ID (ID card/passport) and is not transferable to other persons. You will receive the CampusCard by post shortly after your enrolment has been confirmed, provided you have entered an address in Germany in the university portal. The first issuance is free of charge.You should store it carefully and preferably without a protective cover.

If you do not receive your CampusCard by mail, please apply for a second issuance no later than four weeks after your enrolment has been confirmed, otherwise it will be subject to a fee.

Nationwide Semester Ticket

The nationwide semester ticket is available to all regular students. The ticket is digital, is always valid for the official period of the respective semester and must be reactivated before the start of the semester. All information on activating the ticket can be found on the AStA website - have a safe journey!

Functions of the CampusCard

The CampusCard is also a pre-paid card for payments in the canteens. Devices to load credit are situated in the entrance lobby.

Once you have activated your CampusCard’s pass function at one of the h_da media centres (German), you can use it to borrow library items. Simply activate the library function at one of the centre’s service counters.

Once activated, a chip integrated into the CampusCard serves as a key for several rooms and areas of the university. Please refer to the key issuance department to activate the function.

The CampusCard serves as a ticket for free entrance to several theatres as well as to the State Museum in Darmstadt. The following theatres are included:

  • Staatstheater Darmstadt
  • Theater im Moller-Haus
  • HoffART-Theater
  • Theater im Pädagog

Please note that premieres, guest performances, special events and performances for children are generally excluded from free admission.

Further information can be found on the website of the AStA (German).

Extending validity: Re-validation

The CampusCard also houses a special Thermo-Rewrite-Strip, which needs to be re-printed every new semester at one of the (re-)validation machines dotted around the university. Re-validation is possible once you have paid your semester contribution

Your CampusCard is unusable without a valid expiry date!


  • A10 - ground floor, sitting area next to staircase
  • C10 – ground floor main corridor, opposite the WC
  • C19 – ­­in the Foyer of the lecture hall building (next to the toilet)
  • C23 - ground floor, Foyer, left to the staircase
  • D10 - first floor, learning centre, left to single cubicle
  • E10 - third floor, Bistro, R 304 next to pin board
  • E30 - ground floor, R 0.41


  • F11 - Mensa, Foyer, downward staircase
  • F15 - hallway
  • F25 - library section Dieburg

Application for a new card

In case of loss, theft, wear and technical defect as well as name changes, it is possible to apply for a new CampusCard at the Student Service Center. For direct issuance, we recommend submitting the application directly during opening hours of the SSC counter.

In the following cases, a fee of €15 will be charged for the second issuance of the CampusCard:

  • Loss
  • Defect due to own fault (visible damage, scratches, creases, etc.)
  • Change of the photograph

If you no longer have the CampusCard in your possession, and it has locking authorisation functions, it is your duty to have it blocked. You can also block the CampusCard yourself via the self-service feature, under the data administration for students, ‘block CampusCard or locking system chip’.



*Contact via student e-mail account stating the matriculation number

Consultation hours


Monday, Tuesday and Thursday






Consultation hours Darmstadt: Schöfferstr. 3, Building C23, 1st floor (SSC desk)

Further dates by arrangement

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday




On-site consultation Dieburg: Max-Planck-Str.2, Building F01, 1st floor, Room 1.108 and 1.109

*during the lecture period





