Mechatronics (Bachelor's degree)
Semester | 7 Semester |
Darmstadt | |
Winter semester | |
DE | |
Without admission restriction. | |
yes |
Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) or power steering systems in vehicles consist of mechanical, electronic and information technology components. This makes them mechatronic products which today increasingly complement those of pure mechanics and electrics/electronics. The mechatronics study programme leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree provides basic engineering knowledge for this field of work and solid interdisciplinary basic knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, supplemented by key qualifications in business administration. In addition to the offered specialization fields of "Drive Engineering", "Automation" and "Robotics", students can also agree on individual specializations. More detailed information on the study programme can be found at the website of the Faculty of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering.
Mechatronics graduates can work in product development and design, production, marketing, sales and management.
Industries (selection):
- Mechanical and vehicle engineering
- Aerospace technology
- Electrical industry
- Information and entertainment technology
Based on the Bachelor's degree, the following Master's programmes are possible:
Mechatronics - Master of Science
Electrical Engineering - Master of Science
Automotive Engineering - Master of Science
Plastics Engineering - Master of Science
Industrial Engineering - Master of Science
Qualifications and competences for this practical field are conveyed by the Bachelor modules with courses, project work or laboratory phases. You can find a detailed presentation of the course contents in the module manual (German). The bachelor's degree qualifies students for a profession, but also enables them to transfer to master's degree programmes (see diagram).
Mechatronics (B.Sc.) can also be studied cooperatively (German). In this dual form of study, students alternate between courses at the university, practical phases and work in the company. You can find more information at (German).
Proof of a basic internship is required. Completion before the start of the degree programme is not mandatory, but recommended. Detailed information is available at Among other things, these school-leaving certificates are considered to be the admission requirement:
- General matriculation standard (allgemeine Hochschulreife)
- Subject-related entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife)
- Advanced entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife).
A detailed description of the admission requirements can be found in the Special Provisions of the Examination Regulations (German).
Silvia Reinhardt
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