What is an orientation semester for?
Are you not yet familiar with orientation or taster semesters? And you're wondering what an orientation semester is for? You can find the answers here.
What is an orientation semester?
Orientation semesters are one to two-semester programmes between the (technical) Abitur and studies/training. They are aimed at school leavers who are not yet sure which subject they want to study or which apprenticeship they want to do.
In these programmes, you can study various degree courses on a trial basis and get to know professional practice through internships. The idea behind this is that you find out what suits you through practical experience rather than reading information.
Why does h_da offer orientation semesters?
In recent years, we have noticed that more and more high school graduates do not yet know what they want to do afterwards. Many first-year students also start studying a subject without a realistic idea of whether the subject and the type of institution will suit them. They then only realise during the first few years of study that the course does not match their interests or that they do not have the right prerequisites.
We would therefore like to support high school graduates in finding out which degree programme or apprenticeship suits them individually before they start their studies.
What other advantages do orientation semesters have?
In addition to the opportunity to take your time to find your bearings and make an individual choice of degree programme or career, our taster semesters offer even more advantages:
+ Accompanied introduction to the world of higher education
+ Preparation in the basics and soft skills for a secure start to your studies
+ Support and coaching from a personal contact person
+ Academic achievements can be credited towards your future degree programme
+ Internships can be used as pre-study work placements and, in some cases, to shorten the training period
Dates: Meet us live!
15.07.24 | Virtual info evening at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
16.09.24 | Lecture fair Bertolt-Brecht-Schule (Darmstadt)
21.09.24 | Stuzubi Frankfurt
02.10.24 | Dual in Darmstadt - information evening on dual study programmes
05.11.24 | h_da Campus Day
06.11.24 | OSBIT 2024 in Michelstadt
12.11.24 | Vocatium Videochat
13.11.24 | Vocatium Videochat
30.11.24 | Horizon Mainz
21.01.25 | hobit talks
25.03.25 | Training and study information day Bergstraße
20.05.25 | hobit contact