EUt+ Structure
Based on the idea of French President Emmanuel Macron, the European Commission launched the European Universities Initiative in 2017 to promote excellence, innovation and inclusion in higher education across Europe. It is a strong vision for Europe: the 'European Universities' consist in networks of higher education institutions across the EU which enable students to study in several EU countries and different languages. Our alliance named "European University of Technology (EUt+)" was founded in 2018. Together with its eight partners (intern)
- Technical University Sofia (Bulgaria)
- Technological University Dublin (Ireland)
- Cyprus Technical University (Cyprus)
- Technical University Riga (Latvia)
- Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain)
- Université de Technologie Troyes (France)
- Technical University Cluj Napoca (Romania)
- Universität von Cassino und Lazio Meridionale (Italy)
Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is working on the vision of a new type of univeristy – the European University. Through the unprecedented alliance of nine technological universities, our mission is to contribute to the further integration of Europe. This vision is articulated around our central motto “EUROPEAN VALUES EMPOWERING TECHNOLOGY". In the fields of teaching, research and third-party funding, cooperation between the partners is being strengthened and intensified at all levels.
The acronym EUt+ accompanied by the plus sign illustrates another guiding principle: “Think Human First". Technology is more than a set of techniques or applied sciences. It is our essential human ability to express, think and understand the world through artefacts. In this sense it is an engine of human progress where arts and science meet. Science and techniques make excellent engineers and technicians, but combined with arts, humanities, ethics, and social sciences, they make outstanding professionals and technologically responsible citizens
EUt+ is co-funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) within the framework of the European University Networks (EUN) – national initiative.
EUt+ institutions/bodies & Work Packages/KPIs
Secretariat General (SG)
The EUt+ Secretariat General is responsible for the strategic and executive steering, overall management and coordination of the European University of Technology (EUt+). It is currently based mainly in Troyes, but comes together regularly also at the other partner locations to ensure balanced consideration and coordination within the alliance. The EUt+ General Secretariat structures processes and organises actions for supporting and developing EUt+ for effective management and operation in line with the initiative's mission, objectives and European values. For the EUt+ members, boards and units as well as all stakeholders the Secretariat General serves as the linkage point and interface, ensures information flows, supports the integration and cooperation, manages the decisions-making processes and provides transparent convergence management towards the alliance's intended Europeanisation and creation of a European University.
The Secretary General of EUt+ is Prof. Dr. Timothée Toury. The delegate for Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is Dr. Janina Fengel as Deputy Secretary General EUt+.
Coordination Team
The EUt+ Projects representatives coordination team ensures that operations run smoothly. A weekly meeting (general operative meeting) is held between representatives of the Secretariat General, of the members (the Principal Representatives), of the implementing bodies (the offices), of the heads of the WPs and two student representatives – these parties make up the equivalent of what has been called the steering committee in phase I.
Dr. Jorge Medina, internal EUt+ Coordinator, and Sebastian Merget, WP 8 leader.
EUt+ Project Involvement
Here you can find a general overview of the EUt+ project management at h_da including all names of the involved persons.
Student Board
The Student Board is composed of 2 students per university. It is the official advocate for the interests of all students from all universities of the EUt+. The misson of the Student Board is to act as a bridge between the students and the Governing Board/Steering Committee. The student representatives for h_da are Samir Pangeni and Sascha Wellmann.
- The members of the „EUt+ Student Board“ are the link between their fellow students and EUt+. Those Students are usually members of the local student committees/unions or at least work closely together with them (in the case of h_da via AStA).
- Student representatives have permanent seats and voting rights on the Governing Board. All important decisions of the initiative are made there. In addition, they are also represented in the „Steering Committee“ to participate in the coordination.
Ambitious projects like EUt+ need committed supporters! Interested? Then speak to the EUt+ student representatives of h_da or contact the Student Board directly (in English).
Your contact person at h_da are Elias Wenz.and Tilmann Eckert
Further projects within EUt+

Joint European Degree Label in engineering (JEDI)
JEDI Project Summary
You can find a full list of EUt+ related projects in the Intranet.