[Translate to English:] Matchmaking



Applied research and development thrives on the interaction between science and business at eye level. It is only by bringing together the respective perspectives and expertise that the way is paved for solutions that are directly applicable in practice.

The opportunities for cooperation are as diverse as our research and development activities. Companies can use many of our facilities, laboratories or equipment, conduct events or research projects together with us, but also develop dual study programmes (DE) with us. We also offer contract research, practical projects with students or final theses.

As a company, you would like to know what expertise our researchers have so that you can cooperate with us if necessary? As a researcher at h_da, you are looking for suitable cooperation partners in business, public administration or academia? Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you - and establish the right connection.

We are there for you!

Are you looking for the shortest route to the right contact person in matters of research, development or transfer? Here you will find our employees with their responsibilities and contact details.