EUt+ Open Research
EUT+ Academic Press
The h_da and its seven partners in the EUT+ initiative now offer the possibility of simple and uncomplicated Open Access publishing. The EUT+ Academic Press is open to all members of the EUT+ partners.
If you wish to publish, please contact the Advisory Board of the h_da at the following e-mail address: eutacademicpress.bib@h-da.de. There you can reach the team consisting of the following members: Katharina Emig (Library), Dr. Julia-Constance Dissel, and Prof. Dr. Kawa Nazemi (Department of Media).
Further information: https://univ-tech.eu/academic-press
EUT+ Repository
Since 14.03.22, the EUT+ has a common repository of all partners under the umbrella of OpenAire. The repositories of all partners can be accessed via this link https://eut.openaire.eu/. The repository contains full texts that are available in Open Access. It contains publications, research data, software and other research outputs.
For further information visit the webpage of h_da Library (Repositorium h_docs) or conctact Katharina Emig.
1st EUT+ Conference on Languages (Darmstadt)
The manuscript of the first EUT+ language conference “Inter/Multiculturalism in a Post Colonial Era: Languages and European Values” with selected contributions was published in summer 2024, first via the hda repository (June 17, 2024) and then via the EUT+ Press in Dublin (July 5, 2024).