EUt+ Open Research

EUT+ Academic Press

The h_da and its seven partners in the EUT+ initiative now offer the possibility of simple and uncomplicated Open Access publishing. The EUT+ Academic Press is open to all members of the EUT+ partners.

If you wish to publish, please contact the Advisory Board of the h_da at the following e-mail address: There you can reach the team consisting of the following members: Katharina Emig (Library), Dr. Julia-Constance Dissel, and Prof. Dr. Kawa Nazemi (Department of Media). 

Further information:

EUT+ Repository

Since 14.03.22, the EUT+ has a common repository of all partners under the umbrella of OpenAire. The repositories of all partners can be accessed via this link The repository contains full texts that are available in Open Access. It contains publications, research data, software and other research outputs.

For further information visit the webpage of h_da Library (Repositorium h_docs) or conctact Katharina Emig.


1st EUT+ Conference on Languages (Darmstadt)

The manuscript of the first EUT+ language conference “Inter/Multiculturalism in a Post Colonial Era: Languages and European Values” with selected contributions was published in summer 2024, first via the hda repository (June 17, 2024) and then via the EUT+ Press in Dublin (July 5, 2024).