Digitisation and Society: Transform!
Digitisation is shaping the 21st century. It affects all areas of life - and is transforming society as a whole. This entails diverse potentials, but also extensive challenges. Digitisation connects and supports people, but it can also exclude them. A common culture of dealing with the new possibilities is needed. This awareness frames all of h_da's research and development work in that regard. And also that under the umbrella of EUT+: This European alliance has the motto "Think Human First" and pursues the goal of a human-centred model of technology.
Our excellent practice-oriented research and development is represented by the Applied Computer Science Research Center (fz ai | DE), the Digital Communication and Media Innovation Research Center (fz dkmi) and our participations in the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity (ATHENE) and the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence (hessian.ai). In addition, we are involved in several research institutes founded under the umbrella of EUT+, which carry out important work in the field of digitisation. Other research topics include industrial production, automation and robotics, logistics, wireless communication, machine learning and human-machine interaction, visualisation and analysis of massive data sets, online commerce, data protection and information law.
Our AI research is human-centred. We investigate the social and psychological dimensions of digital media and programme algorithms that detect hate speech or fake news on the internet. Our researchers develop digital technologies and tools tailored to small and medium-sized enterprises, user-oriented industrial design or software for secure banking transactions. Above all, the goal is to shape the digitalised society according to human needs.
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Are you looking for the shortest route to the right contact person in matters of research, development or transfer? Here you will find our employees with their responsibilities and contact details.
Our Strategy Concept 2025
"Helping to shape the future - influencing society" is the title of our strategic concept 2025. This short video (DE) presents it to you.
Research Map of the ‘HRK’
The German Rectors' Conference (‘Hochschulrektorenkonferenz’ (HRK)) presents profile-forming research priorities of German universities on its research map. One of the three research foci of the h_da identified there is "Intelligent Technologies for the Digital Economy and Society".