[Translate to English:] Gruppenbild Unterzeichnung einer Kooperationsvereinbarung


Our Network - Alliances and Cooperations

A good network is the be-all and end-all - this also applies to us. We link our specialised knowledge with that of other players through targeted cooperations and alliances. Affiliated institutes and successful spin-offs stand for the h_da's direct relevance to application. Together and with combined forces, we work on solutions for the major social, economic, technical and ecological tasks of our time.

In addition to the EUT+ alliance, we maintain partnerships, alliances and cooperations at federal, state and regional level and are members of various associations. Here you will find an overview of most of our current partners and direct links to them.

You can also find more information on many of our cooperations on the page “h_da Ausgezeichnet” (DE).


Are you looking for the shortest route to the right contact person in matters of research, development or transfer? Here you will find our employees with their responsibilities and contact details.