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European University of Technology partners gather in Dublin for a milestone event

Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) is preparing to welcome delegates from across the European Union for the European University of Technology (EUt+) general task review workshop. Taking place on the Irish University's flagship campus in Grangegorman, Dublin's newest urban quarter, the forum is an opportunity for EUt+ to reflect on the progress made thus far and discuss future priorities.

The busy Dublin agenda comprises conferences, workshops, and informal working sessions where colleagues will discuss a range of matters relating to its Education, Research and Engagement activities and the preparation of a mid-term review report.

Timothée Toury, Corporate Secretary of EUt+, said, "As we approach the midway point of what is certainly a most ambitious undertaking to create a truly European University with a presencet in eight European countries, it is a time to take stock and reflect on our achievements. Working together, we are establishing four research institutes and are creating common engineering curricula, providing our students with the opportunity to study across our eight partner institutions. These initiatives enable our students to build collaborative networks across our continent, preparing a new generation of University graduates for a new world of work driven by technology."

Calling on the European Commission and their national governments to agree on committed and sustainable models of funding, Toury added, "The transformation of our universities must gain traction, so young people are prepared for the jobs of tomorrow in a fast-changing society and empowered to find solutions to the big societal challenges facing our planet. This requires much deeper cooperation between European universities, a challenge that the European University of Technology is ready to embrace.”

With its European Universities initiative, the European Commission aims to foster excellence, innovation and inclusion in higher education across Europe, accelerating the transformation of higher education institutions into the universities of the future with structural, systemic and sustainable impact. In 2020, EUt+ was selected by the European Commission to test the concept of transnational universities and examine the potential to transform higher education.

With 100,000 students across eight partner institutions, EUt+'s vision and mission are underpinned by the pivotal role that technology plays in forging an inclusive and sustainable future, and tackling the human challenges of unprecedented breadth such as climate change, overused resources, growing inequality, and the social consequences of the digital era.

The eight partners making up EUt+ are:

To date, EUt+ has successfully received EU funding for several additional projects, including AesTheTiCo, EthiCo, HEI Initiative InnoEUt+, LUDEIA and EUt+ EXTRAS. In addition, the consortium has established the European Culture and Technology Lab+, which was conceived to consider the human impact of technology, from driverless haulage trucks to the depletion of the natural resources required to replace obsolete, but functioning technology.

More information about the European University of Technology is available here.


About European University of Technology (EUt+)

As a University of Technology, our mission is first and foremost to serve society. Europe requires top-quality education for diverse groups, where talents translate into an ability to act and react, experiment and invent, anticipate and transform. We empower our students to become technologically literate professionals and active European citizens. We ensure that they are well-qualified to enjoying rewarding careers playing a fruitful role in society, aware of the broader implications of technological development and of their responsibility towards global challenges. Everybody, regardless of background, should be able to study and succeed in our University.

European research must be driven by the diverse needs of our regions, aware of the global challenges of our times and capable of having a true impact on people's lives. We create knowledge connected with the economic, scientific, and political priorities of our respective regions, and in synergy with one another. The major transitions underway and the associated sociotechnical challenges require fresh thinking and new, groundbreaking insights from the transversal research that we are striving to develop.

Europe calls for universities deeply integrated in the socio-economic fabric of our continent. By working in close connection with public and private, local and multinational institutions and companies, we share our knowledge and know-how to generate value, products and services for everybody. We are a European university, locally anchored in each of our regions and globally connected. Our socio-cultural, linguistic, scientific, environmental, economic and territorial diversity, increases the effect of our concrete, bottom-up approach to support our regions, countries, and Europe.

We are proud to make a difference that is direct, measurable and impactful.