University elections at h_da
University elections in the winter semester 2024/25 from 27.01.2025 to 10.02.2025
All students, professors and employees of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences are eligible to vote. The members of the following bodies will be elected
- Senate
- Faculty councils
- Student parliament
- Student councils
The university elections are organised as online elections:
- Participation in the elections, i.e. casting votes during the election period and submitting election proposals to students, is possible via any digital device with internet access.
- All eligible voters will be informed in good time by the Electoral Office about the procedure for the online elections (details on voting and online application for students) by email via the official / student university email accounts.
The AStA is responsible for the elections of StuPA and student councils (student self-administration) as an independent body under public law. Students can also find information about the university elections on the AStA website.
(First of all: A committee refers to a group of people, often experts, who have to fulfil certain tasks; in the case of a democratically legitimised committee, the members of the committee are determined by election. The tasks of the committees mentioned here are defined in the Hessian Higher Education Act).
The Senate consists of 9 members of the professorial group, 5 students, 1 academic member and 2 administrative/technical members (Section 42 (5) HessHG).
The Senate advises on matters of research, teaching and study that affect the entire university or are of fundamental importance. Examples: New degree programmes, appointment of professors or general provisions for study and examination regulations. It elects the Executive Board of the university, consisting of the President and Vice Presidents. It also monitors the management of the Executive Board (Section 42 (1) HessHG).
The faculty council of a faculty consists of 7 professors, 4 students, 1 administrative/technical member and 1 academic member*; in the Media faculty and in the Computer Science faculty, there are 9 professors, 5 students, 1 administrative/technical member and 2 academic members (Section 50 Para. 3 HessHG in conjunction with Section 4.2.1 of the Basic Regulations of the University of Applied Sciences). Section 4.2.1 of the Basic Regulations of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences - GrO).
*Includes academic staff, LfbAs, project staff according to the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz and laboratory engineers if opted for.
The Faculty Council advises on matters of fundamental importance to the faculty, including the issuing of examination and study regulations, proposals for the establishment of degree programmes, proposals for development planning or voting on research projects (Section 50 (1) HessHG). The members of the Faculty Council also elect the Dean and the other members of the Dean's Board (Dean of Studies and Vice-Dean).
The Student Parliament (StuPa) of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is the highest body of the student body and consists of 33 representatives who are always elected at the end of the winter semester. Among other things, it is responsible for electing and deselecting the General Students' Committee (AStA) and the student body budget.
The Student Representative Council (FSR) represents the students of the respective department and organises, for example, the first semester introductions, parties, excursions and provides computer labs and learning centres. Elections to the student council are personal elections, i.e. the candidates are elected directly by the students of the department. The statutes of the student body stipulate that the size of the FSR depends on the size of the department; an FSR can have between 3 and 11 members.
The students elect the members of the student parliament (StuPa) and the members of the student councils; only students are represented on these two bodies.
The students of the university also elect the student representatives for the Senate and the representatives for the 12 departmental councils; in addition to the students, professors and employees are also members of both bodies.
The professors and employees elect their respective representatives to the Senate and the department council of their department. Employees who do not belong to a department but are assigned to a ZOE only elect representatives to the Senate.
The university elections are held as electronic elections via the POLYAS voting system. POLYAS and the current voting system are certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). This means that the online elections are protected by certain IT security measures. This ensures that the election principles - in particular the secret and free ballot - are adhered to. The data protection officer of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences has checked and confirmed compliance with all data protection laws and guidelines in connection with the university elections as online elections. Questions and answers on the topics of "IT security and data protection".
Election announcements
You can find the election announcements here after logging in with your h_da user data: Click on the double circle at the top right of the website, data will be visible after login.
Contact us
Schöfferstraße 3
64295 Darmstadt
Office: C10, 13.35
Bürozeiten: Mo bis DO: 8:00 bis 16:30 Uhr
The election announcements and the election results are only displayed if you are logged in with your h_da user data: Click on the double circle at the top right of the website - data will be visible after logging in.
Notes on IT security

Please also note the following security information:
- When accessing the university elections website, use a device with an up-to-date operating system and browser.
- Up-to-date security software (virus scanner) should be installed on this device.
- The product "Sophos Home" is available to all students. ==>