Application for the orientation semester hejmint

How to apply for hejmint

Application deadlines: hejmint starts twice a year. For the start in September, you can apply until 15 July. For the start in March, the application deadline is 15 January.

The prerequisite for participation in hejmint is the (specialised) Abitur. Your grades or courses are not important.

Application documents: All we need for your application is the completed application forma CV and a scan of your certificate. Send us everything by e-mail to:

What happens after your application

After your application, we will invite you to an interview and counselling session.

After our interview, you will receive a confirmation of registration from us and can enrol for the hejmint orientation semester at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

The number of participants is limited to 25 per semester. Applications will be considered in the order in which they are received. If places are already taken, we will be happy to add you to the waiting list and notify you when a place becomes available. Alternatively, you can also apply for the next date.

If you have any questions about the application process, our FAQs will help you. If you have any further questions, please email us at or simply give us a call.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Contact us

Do you have any questions about hejmint?
Write us an e-mail or simply give us a call.

Staff members
Rosanna Jering
Bahareh Gondani

Dates: Meet us live!

15.07.24 | Virtual info evening at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

16.09.24 | Lecture fair Bertolt-Brecht-Schule (Darmstadt)

21.09.24 | Stuzubi Frankfurt

02.10.24 | Dual in Darmstadt - information evening on dual study programmes

05.11.24 | h_da Campus Day

06.11.24 | OSBIT 2024 in Michelstadt

12.11.24 | Vocatium Videochat
13.11.24 | Vocatium Videochat

30.11.24 | Horizon Mainz

21.01.25 | hobit talks

25.03.25 | Training and study information day Bergstraße

20.05.25 | hobit contact

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