ORCID is an independent non-profit organization that issues unique IDs to authors of scientific works worldwide. By means of ORCID, scientists can be clearly identified and clearly linked to their work, such as publications or research data.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
The Open Researcher and Contributor ID, called ORCID, is a non-proprietary, 16-digit alphanumeric code. It is used for the persistent identification of researchers.
Use of an ORCID
ORCID is the most widely used international author identification system and has thus become an international de facto standard. The use of an ORCID offer
- permanent and unambiguous findability even in case of organizational changes, name changes and different spellings of the name or name equality
- clear allocation of research output
- simplification of communication with sponsors, professional societies, publishers and repositories
- automated maintenance of publication lists through database synchronization
- increase of transparency, visibility and quality
- link on the personal website of h_da
- relief from administrative tasks
The University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt at ORCID
Since October 1, 2019, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is the first HAW in Germany to become a member of the ORCID Germany consortium.
Scientists can register for their personal ORCID directly at ORCID registrieren. On the ORCID website, scientists of the Hochschule Darmstadt can apply directly with their personal h_da user ID. After registration, name and ORCID are made public. All other potential details, such as publications, institute affiliations, research projects or social media accounts, can be added as details of a scientific profile at any time as desired.