In 2017, six universities came together to form a unique collaborative alliance. On the basis of several established bilateral ties of cooperation, they formed a network to pursue their common interests. The Global Partners European Alliance (GPEA) set out to address distinctive, highly impactful opportunities throughout Europe to successfully assemble the proper resources and skills from among its members to provide long-term solutions for the improvements of overall learning environments, educational experiences, and outcomes for the students, faculty and community partners and stakeholders.
The GPEA is an inclusive and impartial convener of academic, industry, and government alliance member stakeholders, which formulate educational opportunities and applied research and potential solutions on a national and regional scale in STEM and other disciplines. The five current members working together with h_da are
Joint initiatives are a regular summer school adressing various topics in the field of sustainability, an annual research meeting to develop topics and ideas for joint research and an annual conference – “Polytechnic Summit” which was held at h_da in 2022 (impressions of the Summit: GPEA PS 2022). Of specific interest are the shared ideas about applied academic education which all partners pursue as a main focus of teaching and research.
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